Ashtin 1

Ashtin 1

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Settling in...

Port in Malaga, Spain

     I have officially been in Spain for 17 days :). I finally have some pictures of my host family for you guys! I feel like so much has happened in the past couple weeks that words cannot describe. I can say one thing for sure. God is seriously doing something in me.

      If I may open my heart up to all of you, I have been an emotional rollercoaster since I´ve been here. Some days I´m in such awe of His faithfulness and beauty while other days I just want to lay in bed and cry. I´ve tried asking God what He has in store for me here. I keep asking Him what He wants to do through me. I keep asking for answers to questions I´ve had for years. God has made it clear to me that this semester is about me and Him. He may and most likely will use me here for His glory, but I´ve never been so reliant on God before. I am excited and have to remind myself to be patient while I´m here. Everyone tells you that when living in another country for so long you will experience a honeymoon phase and then maybe half-way through it all sinks in and you miss home, then you level out just before you leave. I can honestly say I never had a honeymoon phase. Many of my friends still can´t believe they´re in Spain, and most days I just want to be on the next flight home. Last night I read a verse that really spoke to me. Maybe it will encourage some of you. I know for me it was very direct, and I´m excited for how God will use it. It´s Proverbs 24:27:

"Prepare your outside work, 
Make it fit for yourself in the field;
And afterward build your house."

    I´m standing on the edge of the rest of my life. I beg God to let me just know my future and the plan He has set in stone for me. After reading this verse, it is clear to me that maybe it´s not time for me to build my house :).

    I´m starting to have my little schedule and plan for trips around Europe which is really exciting. I appreciate and feel all of your prayers. Here are some pictures of my family! Everyone was gathered for Puri´s (my host mom´s) dia de Santa.

(Above) This is Puri, my host mom.
(Left) This is Jesus, my host dad. Here is preparing homemade Paella for Puri´s special day.
 This is one of Puri and Jesus´ son in law
 The sisters. Puri and Jesus´ daughters. Sandra y Rosa. Sandra is expecting a baby girl, Martina, in March!
 Las niñetas. The granddaughtes of Puri y Jesus.
Such a sweet, sweet family.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures and a beautiful family. Just live and explore everyday. Don't think too much, God has you back. Just be your loving, caring and wonderful self. Your goodness will shine for all to see. Your goodness will make the day for others as they observe you and share each and every day with you. While enjoying your adventure, learn all that you can. This is just one trip or adventure in your life to come. Keep smiling and all will smile around you. I'm pretty sure that God will be smiling also. Love You!!!
