Well, tonight I received from a good friend the luggage set I will be borrowing for Spain. Yay! It's two weeks before the I fly out of San Antonio and don't return for four months. It's nerve-racking to be sitting here. Just sitting here. Did I mention I'm JUST sitting here??? Let me explain...
When you have to pack for a trip where the "packing motto" is: "Pack the bare minimum for survival. Then cut it in half," you CANNOT pack two weeks in advance because you're most likely using everything you would absolutely need. So... this leaves me sitting here with an empty luggage set and nothing to put in it...yet.
It is all starting to sink in, however. My nerves about flying overseas has started to settle down though I'm almost positive I'll want to die as I'm stepping on the plane. I know the experience is so worthy it :)!
A toast to myself (because everyone needs those kind of toasts every once in a while):
"Here's to buying every last item on my shopping list and printing out every last document and mentally preparing myself for adventure over the next few weeks!"
Love you Allysse.